These four great tools are simple, yet very powerful, and totally universal. They are the foundation for healing and calming the mind, and strengthening your inner ability to make immediate progress inside.

Start practicing these tools morning and night everyday. We speak from experience when we say you will not want to stop once you begin practicing consistently, and it only gets to be more powerful over time.

Begin very simply by making time to practice the  alternate nostril breathing and light meditation with heart center opening every morning and night.

Once you get the hang of those beautiful practices, make a HIT LIST of negative emotions to work on using SLT, or Self-Liberation Technique. This is an acupressure and eye movement tool that really works for completely erasing negative emotions like anger, fear, and anxiety. It is being used all over the world for everything from breaking addictions to getting rid of post traumatic stress.

… you will not want to stop once you begin practicing consistently, and it only gets to be more powerful over time.
Finally, for your overall health, check out Jin Sin Jytsu. It’s a Japanese self-healing art, where is a basic self-treatment done through holding of the fingers. It balances the energies in the five major organs and strengthens them, which is really good for your health. You can do even do it while you watch TV.

After a month or more of consistently practicing these four great tools you may be ready to learn more advanced practices, like learning how to erase a thought or feeling directly with your mind. If you’re ready for this, please contact us, and we can help you. This takes time and commitment, and having the help of someone who is living the teaching is invaluable to really understand the profound impact of the practice. Basically, your whole life will become a meditation and exercise in waking up, and transforming your consciousness. You will be able to use everything in your life for your inner growth.

Alternate Nostril


Self Liberation

Jin Shin